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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Oh I'm sorry for not specifying, but I was playing the downloadable version when this bug happened, not the web version. Sorry for the bad news if you thought the bug was squashed :/

(1 edit)

Really enjoying this so far and I'm looking forward to future updates! As someone who hasn't been able to find a table to play at yet this a fun way to mess around with the combat some, and I might use it to help teach the combat basics to a friend (understanding that it's not necessarily 1-to-1 in the niche cases but that's fine for now). Great job! (^^)b

Quick bug to report, during the recon portion of albatross the witch triggered reactive code on the goblin, which hard-locked the game. The reactive code reaction UI came up, but I wasn't able to use any of the goblin's tech attacks on the witch or choose not to use the reaction. I'm not familiar enough with the rules to be sure if I wasn't able to attack due to line-of-sight problems or range, but I definitely wasn't able to cancel the reaction.

EDIT: Was playing some more and it's definitely a problem with reactive code. During the first half of albatross, a berserker tried to tech attack the goblin and the same thing happened. Less than two spaces away, no cover or line of sight issues, I wasn't able to select a tech attack or cancel the reaction to continue the turn order.